Local Development


Get up and running with ShipAIFast

Get your project up and running locally with these steps:

Clone GitHub repository

This is where you'll download the project files from GitHub.

To get started, clone the GitHub repository.

If you don't have access yet, you need to purchase it first (opens in a new tab)!

git clone [email protected]:shipaifast/shipaifast-pro.git
cd shipaifast-pro

For best practice, rename origin to shipaifast, then create a new GitHub repository and set it as the remote origin.

git remote rename origin shipaifast
git remote add origin [email protected]:<your-username>/<your-repo>.git
# Push current code to your-repo
git push -u origin main

For future updates, you can pull from AI SaaS repository to your local branch and push changes to your remote.

# Pull from the shipaifast main branch
git pull shipaifast main
# Push changes to your remote new-repo
git push -u origin main

Create .env.local

Rename .env.local.example to .env.local.

mv .env.local.example .env.local

Your .env.local should look like this:

# These environment variables are used for Supabase in your machine
# Get this from OpenAI
# Get these from Stripe
# Get these from Upstash, used for rate-limiting
# Get this from Replicate

Setup Node.js

A basic understanding of Node.js would be beneficial, but it is not an absolute prerequisite. To setup Node.js, we'll use a tool called nvm (Node Version Manager) (opens in a new tab) to manage different Node.js versions.

Here's the command to install it:

curl -o- https://raw.githubusercontent.com/nvm-sh/nvm/v0.39.7/install.sh | bash

To proceed with the installation of Node.js, use the following command:

nvm install v20

ShipAIFast requires Node 18.17 or greater. Type node -v in your terminal to ensure you have suitable version.

Setup package management

For package management, you have a few options: npm, which is already included with Node.js, or yarn, or bun. For ShipAIFast, we recommend pnpm for its efficiency and monorepo support. If you choose pnpm, you'll need to install it first.

npm i -g pnpm

After installing package manager, go to your project directory and install dependencies:

pnpm install

Next steps

To run ShipAIFast locally, you will need to run Supabase Local and setup Supabase, Stripe and OpenAI keys.

  • Follow these steps to get Supabase Local up and running and add Supabase environment variables.

  • Follow these steps to add Stripe environment variables.

  • Follow these steps to add OpenAI environment variables.